
Mother, Running Own Business

Natalya is a mum with children at school. She found herself getting wound up, her “blood boiling” because of her children before she found 30 PLUS NuWoman. In her own words, “Hormones Suck!”

She discovered 30 PLUS NuWoman while visiting a pharmacy, and when realising it was all natural decided to give it a go. Within a week she began to feel the effects. It has helped her to overcome her anxiousness and anger, and she no longer gets upset with the kids over insignificant things.

My kids could wind me up so badly. Getting out the door in the morning was manic, getting them to school and day care was just insane and I would find myself so wound up.

I saw the product in a Pharmacy and decided to try it. I noticed a difference within the first week.I don’t get anywhere near as anxious or upset if the kids are all trying to be answered at the same time. It’s nice for myself to feel calm. There’s such a difference between feeling completely wound up, your blood’s boiling, and being able to manage yourself.

When I’m taking 30 PLUS it’s pretty hard to get me upset, it completes me.

If you would like more information on 30 PLUS NuWoman, or have a question then give us a call on 0800 657 876 (NZ only) or use the contact form on our website.